Friday, November 6, 2009

RSS and Newsreaders

RSS feeds should, theoretically, narrow the amount of information that you receive. However, I found adding feeds was like leftover Halloween candy - you keep saying that it's the last one. Highly addictive - but useful. I signed up for Google Reader, since I already have gmail and blogger (thanks for the tip Elaine). I subscribed to some sites for Reader's Theatre, which should be helpful as I am always looking for new scripts for Reading Buddies. I hope in the future to add Flickr to it. My middle child is away in London (Ontario, that is) taking Fine Arts at Fanshawe. She's e-mailed me a few pictures of her artwork but I think it would be great if she got a Flickr account and then I could use the RSS feed to see what new pieces she has posted. Some of the canvases she's working on are huge (wall-sized) and she also has sculptures that she can't just pop in her bag to bring home. Plus, if I have any hope of retaining this new knowledge, I have to use it on a semi-regular basis, lol!

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