Thursday, November 26, 2009

#13 Library Thing

Wow! I think this is probably the most fun (and useful) "thing" I've learned yet. I can see so many uses - keeping track of books I've read (I am terrible with titles), listing ones I'd like to read when I have more time, maybe even getting some new ideas for Battle books! Definitely a keeper.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

#12 Twitter

Well, another new experience. I have officially tweeted! I don't think this is something that I will keep after this experience, but you never know. I am hoping that clicking on follow for other people means the same thing as signing up to be friends with them. That might be a question that I need to fire off to Elaine, if I can find the spot where I'm supposed to do that. I think it's the 25 things page - I really need to get the hang of multiple windows being open! One thing I've learned is that I don't like a lot of visual distraction - hence the lack of open windows. Anyways, I'm signed up to follow 11 people/organizations, mainly authors or book review sites, with the exception of Fanshawe College - home of my middle child. There is talk of community college staff going on strike, so it would be nice to get the heads up on that.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thing #11 - Finding Feeds

I preferred Technorati for its clear format and easy-to-use browse the directory feature. Sometimes I think these directories are a victim of their own success - they grow so huge that they become overwhelming. For example, beside books it says 3079. I can't imagine visiting even a fraction of those feeds to see if they are worthwhile. I found Syndic8 very slow to load, but perhaps that was just my bad timing. Library weblogs was very cool, with blogs from libraries and librarians from all over the world. I could definitely kill a few hours visiting countries that interest me!

Friday, November 6, 2009

RSS and Newsreaders

RSS feeds should, theoretically, narrow the amount of information that you receive. However, I found adding feeds was like leftover Halloween candy - you keep saying that it's the last one. Highly addictive - but useful. I signed up for Google Reader, since I already have gmail and blogger (thanks for the tip Elaine). I subscribed to some sites for Reader's Theatre, which should be helpful as I am always looking for new scripts for Reading Buddies. I hope in the future to add Flickr to it. My middle child is away in London (Ontario, that is) taking Fine Arts at Fanshawe. She's e-mailed me a few pictures of her artwork but I think it would be great if she got a Flickr account and then I could use the RSS feed to see what new pieces she has posted. Some of the canvases she's working on are huge (wall-sized) and she also has sculptures that she can't just pop in her bag to bring home. Plus, if I have any hope of retaining this new knowledge, I have to use it on a semi-regular basis, lol!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

#7 More Flickr Fun

When my kids leave for school (2 out of 3, now :( ) I make them a scrapbook of their lives, leaving a few pages empty for them to add new memories. This worked well for the girls, but I had my doubts that Tom would want to haul a scrapbook off to wherever with him. Now that I've discovered Flickr photoalbums , I might use this method instead ( I have 1 1/2 years to master the technology, lol). At the very least, I will be able to impress him!

#6 Mayan Riviera

Originally uploaded by Robber Esq

Robber Esq uploaded this picture of the Mayan Riviera on April 18/09, two months after I was there with my family. It brings back amazing memories of what a wonderful time we had. Incredibly, the sand on the beach really is that white!